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1. mystical musing: Crystalline

(inspired by the Capricorn Full Moon of 2016)

Your body is a sacred vessel, woven in a shimmering crystalline matrix, carrying sacred waters and visions. Water clears and water blesses. We are clearing away patterns that no longer serve us or humanity. We are blessing the world with illuminated visions. 

The rains move across the landscape, dislodging boulders, causing mudslides, filling reservoirs and nourishing life. A fallen boulder reveals a portal into the crystal mountain. Walk into the cavern and deeper into the crystal-studded tunnels. Journey beyond the surface level of reality, and go into the underlying crystalline matrix of reality. 

Crystals have the power to magnetize, absorb, charge, clear, align, and record. Your body, as a liquid crystalline matrix, has that power, too. Beneath your skin is a shimmering matrix of iridescent rainbows sliding and gliding in a delicate intricate network of highly intelligent communication.

Bring your whole self here, leave no part behind. Trust in life and love. Stand within this sacred mountain, aligning the central channel of your spine  with the Axis Mundi of the world.

In this way, attune to the intuitive nudges pulsing through you, and guiding you into the essence of yourself and Life. Live in this present moment. Be with all that is arriving in your own personal field and in the collective field. 

Now is not the time to shut down or hide away. New patterns are in-forming. Let go  and let in. It’s all happening together, the clearing and the blessing.

Seek truth. Stand in love.


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