

I’m so happy you’ve landed here where you’ll discover Network Chiropractic as well as other healing practices for Dreaming & Awakening!

beauty way: White Bison Medicine: Connection

It has been a while since I’ve written to you, and as I feel the distance of time and space, I feel a longing for more connection. It has come to my attention that as we “interface” more and more via the internet, we risk becoming passive observers of each other’s lives, rather than active participants in Life itself. Social media seems to actually be a medium of isolation, miscommunication and aggression. 

At the same time, it is a way to share meaningful moments, and a way to connect from afar. I love seeing what my friends are up to, and am fascinated by all of your unique life journeys. If not for Facebook or Instagram, I might never know!

My question is this: How can we create and share more meaningful moments of trueconnection

Just as I opened the computer to write this note, I looked out the window of Lady K.Night (my home on wheels) and saw a small herd of White Bison. Yes, white bison - mamas, papas and babies! I quickly asked myself, “Am I dreaming?” Yes, and this dream is part of consensual reality because Mike saw them, too. I wish I had a picture to share ;)

What is White Bison medicine? 

In Animal Speak, Ted Andrews shares a story of the White Buffalo Calf Woman. She brought the Lakota people the sacred pipe, and showed them how to pray and how to live in connection with the earth. 

White bison shows us the way of abundance through right relationship. Struggle is not necessary, but intentional action is. Everything we need is here as long as we align our work in this world with a vision beyond our own personal security. Pray and follow the signs forward. Do your work, and trust that all is coming. 

Mike and I are listening and watching for the signs, and are so grateful for the wonderful people we meet along the way. We are co-creating movement and meditation workshops and retreats, and I have written a beautiful book on Dreaming, illustrated by Katrin Kuttner, incredible artist and friend. It will be available on iBooks and Kindle soon. 

All is coming! 

May there Peace in your mind, Peace in your heart, Peace in your body, Peace in this world.

2. mystical musing: Red Flower

1. mystical musing: Crystalline