Stories “in-form” us - they are part of this body of work called Life. The primary story in-forming Imbolc for me this year is the “Maidens of the Wells” from a French text called The Elucidation. Over a period of a few weeks, I came across it three times in three different places. In Celtic cosmology, three is a most sacred number. When something occurs three times, you can be sure that it is not random - the Great Mystery is trying to get your attention! And specifically, the message could be coming from the Great Goddess, as She appears in three forms - maiden, mother, crone. 

Here we are at the threshold of the Leo Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse - a Blue Blood Moon. Energies are running high, and polarities may feel increasingly intense with big swings, particularly in the energetic body - realm of the spirit. One moment your spirits may be high, and the next you may be crashing. This is the same for the outer world - As Within, So Without. At least that’s how I’ve been experiencing the lead up to this fiery, spirited Leo Moon!

For more lunar dream wisdom, become a Patron of Beauty, Love & Magic!

And so, we begin again. The turning of the calendar year comes with a collective turning towards transformation and boy! it’s time for that! However, true transformation takes us to an uncomfortable edge that we may want to back away from - this is the ego’s way of maintaining safety and security in the known.

Earlier this week i was having a conversation with a sister from the priestess path i walk, and she said a phrase that i fell in love with: “the magical mundane”. She saw magic in the changing colors of the leaves and the mountains rising above and around her. She felt connected to something greater, higher, deeper. She rediscovered her innate wisdom.