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Winter Solstice Rituals

Winter Solstice Rituals

We’re in the “dark sun” time of the year with Winter Solstice, the longest night, just days away. Times like these require support from the invisible to help us remember that we’re not alone. How do you make contact and connect with your soul and Source? For me the contact happens through poetry, movement and ritual.

Here are some ritual suggestions. Feel free to make them your own, becoming creative as you engage with the magic all around and within you:

  • Allow your eyes to rest from the bombardment of electric lights. Dim the light of your phone, even considering turning off your phone entirely from sunset to sunrise (maybe even one day a week).

  • Once the sun sets, light candles and let fire be your source of light. When you rise before the sun, light candles as well. Take a candle into the bathroom with you and do your morning and nightly washing and brushing be softened by the warm flickering light.

  • Make a Winter Solstice altar with candles, crystals/stones, evergreen garlands or wreaths, mistletoe, yule log (maybe one you make yourself then later burn), images that remind you of the cyclical nature of birth, life, death, and rebirth…

  • Spend time in the darkness and stillness. You can create a little cave in a closet and/or cover your face with a veil or blindfold to deepen the darkness.

  • Adorn a tree outside with ribbons and charms. Place gifts under the tree. What would you gift each of the elements? the spirits of the land you live with? the crones, wise men, ancestors, and ancient ones?

And, if you feel called to be together in ceremony, I’ll be guiding a Winter Solstice Ritual with one of my soul sisters, Alexandra Jenkins, on December 20 @ 5pm PT. This will be available for all Premium Saged Members (if you’re not a Premium member yet, you can sign up for a 14-day free trial!) - you can join live or access the replay later.:

May the invisible powers of light and love keep you company in the darkness.

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