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Begin Again

- Cancer New Moon / Partial Solar Eclipse
- July 12, 2018 @ 7:48pm PT
- elemental focus: water
- body focus: emotional

Every New Moon is a time to begin again. This Cancer New Moon - the sign of the Great Mother - invites us to set intentions for those things closest to our heart - our home, our family, our community. It also invites us to look deeply into our home life and make necessary changes. In that, is an evocation of empathy and compassion for the suffering within and without. So, as the Moon darkens and turns, write your prayers and speak them aloud. Let the Great Mother hear and hold you.

With Compassion. With Honesty. With Kindness.

Lately, poetry, dreams and prayer have been been my saving grace - my reminder of the goodness, the kindness, the beauty of this world. I turn to these forms of connection when I feel myself being swept away in waves of overwhelm. Taliesin and I go on daily prayer walks - we pray in ever-widening circles, beginning with our family and expanding out to the world. We begin with gratitude, and from gratitude, all the other prayers spontaneously arise. We also have yoga-dance parties - well, I dance, and he does an awesome walking downward dog. Moving the body opens up channels of joy.

Mary Oliver has been a deep source of inspiration for my prayer walks, as she so eloquently weaves together the worlds of inner reflection and exquisite observation.

“Maybe our world will grow kinder eventually. Maybe the desire to make something beautiful is the piece of God that is inside each of us” (excerpt from Mary Oliver’s poem, “Frank Marc’s Blue Horses”).

Maybe. And maybe this desire to make something beautiful is also the peace of the Goddess inside each of us. I feel that desire grow each day - a response to the increasing unrest in the world. She calls me to pray with my words and body and dreams and heart.

She calls me to connect with herSource by becoming herVessel. And so, I do what I know how to do - circles for DREAM sharing, MOON circles for revivifying the spirit, and YOGA classes for empowering the body with resilient strength.

How does She call you? What is that still quiet voice in the depths of your Soul whispering to you? The voice in the ocean waves. The voice on the wind. Begin. Begin again. With Heart. With Soul. With Whole Self.

Lydia Hwang, Wendy Tahara and I are offering a very special Sound Healing and Meditation this New Moon. If you’re in the Bay Area, we hope you can join us and be regenerated in the calm peace of this sacred time together. Details HERE.

With Love,

Meditation and Mudra for this Moon HERE.


Golden Lughnasadh Blessings

Summer Solstice, Capricorn Moon & Cancer Sun