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Choose the words and ways of LOVE

Choose the words and ways of LOVE

As the midwinter moon reached fullness last week, I heard reverberating through my mind: “consequences, consequences, consequences...”

A few days later, I read the following words by Parker Palmer: “What good words wait to be born in us, and how can we love one another in ways that midwife their incarnation?” But for much of that day, I was in a fowl mood and my mind was looping some choice words that were not so good or kind or loving. 

stir the cauldron…

And all this stirred the Cauldrons of my womb and heart and can I love in a way that midwifes the good words waiting to be born in me? Because words have consequences...words craft spells - magic that can bless or curse.

And for every prayer and every spell, every word and every thought, every action and every inaction, there will be consequences - intended and unintended. 

I’d rather foster the good words, though the other words are often closer to my lips when I’m overtired, overwhelmed, or undernourished (physically, emotionally, spiritually) again the question comes: How can I love even so? How can I return to, connect with, and trust in Source without Source - All That Is - Great Mystery - Eternal and Unconditional Love?

all is possible…

I know it’s possible. I felt it in birthing my son and those first precious days of new motherhood when there was only the miracle of us and the exquisite physical pain of his passage....when all resistance was shattered and there was nothing but life pulsing fresh and true and precious. I held him and knew him to be LOVE; and in feeling him, I knew myself to be LOVE....because I was his mother.

As a mother, I was, I am, a creator, dreamer, life-giver and maker. And I know this: all words, all acts, all dreams, all thoughts have consequences, consequences, consequences...

So, a reminder from Mother Moon as She continues through her cycles, now waning, soon waxing, teaching us if and when we listen: Choose the words and ways of LOVE. 

New Cycles: New Year, New Moon, New You

New Cycles: New Year, New Moon, New You

so...what about Christ?

so...what about Christ?