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59. mystical musing: The Second Harvest & Feast

(inspired by the Autumn Equinox of 2017)

The balance has shifted. We are in the afterglow of Mabon (Autumn Equinox) - the second harvest. The work is strong and requires much of us. And the rest is coming just beyond the western horizon.

Traditionally, the first harvest is celebrated at Lughnasadh in early August. This second harvest of Mabon is sometimes referred to as the witch’s thanksgiving. We gather what was not quite ripe in the previous weeks - the actual and metaphorical gourds, berries, wheat and acorns; as well as the emotions and less physical creations from the earth, water, breath and light of our own bodies.

At this time, Gaia enters the “autumn” of her life cycle. This is a time for reaping and sometimes weeping - a coming to terms with life as it is. Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes speaks to this autumn time of the human life as a pivotal moment of choice. We can choose to be wild and free or bitter and resentful. May we each have the courage and strength to be the wild wise wo/man!

You see, we harvest what has been sown and can craft beauty with the raw materials, no matter what they may be. Perhaps we don’t choose our experiences (the jury is out on that one!), but we do have a choice as to how we work with and be with the earthy, dirty, gritty, beauty of it all.

Bring it all to the table for a great feast of sharing and thanks-giving. Come to the feast table, carrying the full bounty of your work. Do not hold yourself or your gifts back from the celebration. The world offers Herself to you. Make an offering back to Her and all. 

Celebrate the harmonious balance of all that is, embracing the polarities of life on Earth. Drink deeply of the Cup that overflows with love - never thirsting, never hungering. Enter into this time betwixt and between with peace and gratitude.

Autumn Blessings,

* The Guided Meditation will be posted for patrons soon HERE!

60. mystical musing: Remember Kindness

58. mystical musing: What Matters