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37. mystical musing: Renewal

(inspired by the Easter season of 2017)

Spring is one of my favorite times of the year. In the past few weeks i have so deeply enjoyed the luscious greens from our wet winter  season, the sweet little buds peeking at the sun, and the vibrant blooms covering the hillsides. We, alongside nature, are celebrating the miracle of rebirth. 

Out of the darkness comes the light, illuminating hope, asking us to pause and reconsider the magnificence of life renewing itself. I feel this renewal in my own womb as a little being hardly bigger than a walnut is unfolding his/her limbs. 

Yes, the cycle of Life is truly a miracle. However, miracles are not always comfortable. As the seed cracks and the buds burst, there is a pang of loss - what once was is no longer, and this phase and form of transformation draws us onward and outward. 

When we dive fully into the transformation, we become co-creators, active participants in the turning of the cycle. We cannot control the outcome, but we can shift our orientation to the unfolding. We can choose to nourish and nurture the nascent forms of life that are bravely entering into this world.

So…What can you do today as a co-creator with Life? How can you engage in the rebirthing of consciousness in and through you and this world? What are you willing to say Yes to? How can you nurture yourself through this time?

May you be deeply nourished by the Beauty, Love & Magic of this season.

* The Guided Meditation this week brings you into the space of renewal on Patreon. .

38. mystical musing: Earth Day

36. mystical musing: Peace Dance