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32. mystical musing: Virgo Full Moon

(inspired by the Virgo Full Moon of 2017)

In this Virgo full moon, i feel very strongly the presence of Mother Mary, holy woman and protector of the innocent. Virgo is associated with the archetype of the virgin, and we can rethink “virgin” as belonging to oneself. 

More often than not, i feel more resonant with the other Mary - Magdalene. But this week with the waxing moon, there is a call into the belly of the Mother. Come home. Return. Remember your place in the great family - you belong. 

Here then, is an energy of subtle hope, a dream of a new way of being - in the world, but not of the world. A Blessing from Clarissa Pinkola Estes:

May we strive to See ourselves and others…as she sees us…
Hear ourselves and others…as she hears us…
Speak with ourselves and others…as she speaks to us…
Shelter our souls and those of others…as she shelters us…
Love our souls and the souls of others…as she loves us…
forever and always.
(And a little woman…)

So, lay your head down in the lap of the Mother. Dissolve your resistances. Surrender into the truth of your wholeness. See. Hear. Speak. Shelter. Love. Remember. You are not alone. 

We are in this together. The Oneness we seek is a sacred space where each of us stands whole and complete, yet full in the embrace of each other. We all thrive when the “me” serves the “we”. 
Jennifer Marie

* The Guided Meditation this week calls down the luminous light of the Full Moon - very lovely!


33. mystical musing: Ostara Miracle

31. mystical musing: Sole Purpose