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How Did It Change You? {{Aries New Moon}}

How Did It Change You? {{Aries New Moon}}

It’s a dark moon and a dark time. And we are in a great turning - perhaps the Great Turning of our lifetime.

“Life cares so little for our plans in the face of its own” (astrologer, Chani Nicholas, on this Aries New Moon). And death. Death cares so little for our plans. It takes us to our knees in both grief and praise. On our knees, we feel the hard, sweet, wild earth beneath us. And we feel each other and we care for each other. And that’s what matters.

I’ve been in it. I’m sure you have, too. We're all watching the world in its throes of death and maybe (yes likely) birth of something beyond our wildest imaginings. We’ve had our personal challenges, too. And our joys.

This New Moon in Aries is about raw courage, brutal honesty, and tough love. We’ve got to be brave. We’ve got to switch our perspective from self-serving to all-serving. And we’ve got to keen and wail and let our hearts spill forth, so that we can keep feeling, keeping going, keep loving. It’s urgent.

Chani asks at the end of her post:

“Once it passes, and it will pass, we will be charged with the question: how did it change you?”

Let the fires change you. Burn up whatever holds you back from Soul and Source. And rise from your knees with fierce courage, creativity and compassion. Make your life the offering that is! Make yourself the offering.

Now, visualize yourself and the world after the fire burns down to embers. What do you see? What do you feel? What and who are still standing? Who are you now? 

Love each other.

  • Aries New Moon - March 24 @ 2:28am PT

  • Libra Full Moon - April 7 @ 7:35pm PT

Dream Big

Dream Big

Listen, Are You Breathing? - Spring Equinox Reflections

Listen, Are You Breathing? - Spring Equinox Reflections