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Dream Big

Dream Big

The Libra Full Moon is exact on Tuesday, April 7 @ 7:35pm PT.

Our very existence makes a difference. My thoughts and behaviors influence the worlds within and around me. So, I’ve been asking myself: What kind of difference do I want to make?

Isolation and Protection are temporary solutions, but our human longing for connection humans and non-humans will draw us forth into a new way of relationship with each other - including our sentient and apparently non-sentient beings.

Clearly, we can’t go back. And truly, do we really want to? We are forced into creativity, rising above apathy and complacency, learning how we can contribute…

So, how can we use this time to adapt? Evolve? Look at ourselves? Listen more deeply.

But, gosh, really listening can be so f#^$%ing uncomfortable. The pain, the shame…from our personal history and our ancestry…carried in our limbic and cellular memories. The shame disallows us from bringing our full self forward. But we must. We must make art and in that, make reparations for ourselves, our lineages, our countries of origin and the land we call home. In this way, we will heal. In this way, we will contribute positively to the evolution and awakening of a New Earth.

So, what now? Maybe it’s still necessary to pause and wait. Maybe, it’s time to create and share. We are all artists - life is art, from tending the hearth to doing our work in the world. In all that we do and are, we are infused with a universal, primordial creative energy - this is the life force. Shakti.

Dig deep. Access everything you’ve got - the beauty and the pain. Live into Possibility and Mystery. And create. With Compassion. With Truth. With Love.

“We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world” (Marianne Williamson).

Dream big.

With Love,

Solace {{Taurus New Moon}}

Solace {{Taurus New Moon}}

How Did It Change You? {{Aries New Moon}}

How Did It Change You? {{Aries New Moon}}