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Listen, Are You Breathing? - Spring Equinox Reflections

Listen, Are You Breathing? - Spring Equinox Reflections

Listen, are you breathing?

We are being stretched beyond our wildest  imaginations. We are being rushed into the unbelievable. We are in it. Fully. Ready or not. And there’s no turning back. So here we are, at a turning point in the Wheel of the Year...

At the Spring Equinox, the Sun moves into Aries, marking the Astrological New Year as well as the midpoint between the Winter and Summer Solstices and between the Cross-Quarter holy days of Imbolc and Beltane. 

It is a threshold place, a gateway, where all things are equal. Each year a new energetic theme emerges. This year of 2020, the Equinox falls on March 19 (exact at 8:49pm PT) amidst global chaos and reorganization. We are called to pause and recognize our interconnection, witnessing the way a virus, fear and innovation spread so quickly across continents and oceans. 

It’s normal to swing back and forth from fear to hope, feeling both sides equally. Track your fears, find the origin. Follow your hopes, discover the destination. Dive into wonder and awe and find the Divine at work. We are right in the midst of the birth of a New Earth - in the transition zone - and anyone who has given birth or witnessed birth, knows how intense this phase can be! 

We were made for these times. So, while we all journey through this portal time and across the threshold of Spring Equinox, may we recognize our collective struggles and strengths, as well as our individual place in this Great Work of life and death. 

And here, for your contemplation, words from Mary Oliver: “Listen, are you breathing just a little, and calling it a life?”

An embodiment practice for the Equinox and for centering: 

“Box Breath” - breathe in for a steady count of 4, hold your breath for 4, breathe out for 4 and hold for 4. Repeat and continue until you feel a bit more ease, connection and life in your body.

AND more devotional and embodiment practices begin this Sunday with Radiant Sunday Meditations. It’s a 5-week series and if you sign up for the whole thing, you’ll be welcomed into a private Facebook Group with additional support. You can also drop-in with a donation of $10-20.

Radiant Sundays.png

Sundays, March 22-April 19
With Edwina Ferro & Jennifer Lane
Venmo @jennifermarielane $108 for the whole series, or $10-20 for a drop-in.
Or send payment via Paypal

Please include your name and email address!


How Did It Change You? {{Aries New Moon}}

How Did It Change You? {{Aries New Moon}}

A Remedy for Fear and Isolation

A Remedy for Fear and Isolation