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50. mystical musing: Longing for Longing

Your desires are holy, sacred, desired. This morning i meditated with Saraswati - goddess of wisdom, eloquence, poetry, music, intuitive wisdom. I asked her what wants to awaken in and live through me. She called me to a deep, sweet place beneath the longings for this or that and the other things. She reminded me that the poignant longing for longing, desire for desire is the space to muse upon and create from. 

Now i ask you: What wants to awaken in you? What wants to live through you? 

Through the Soul questions we can tap into our intuition - to what we Know beyond thinking and before figuring. 

Look to the signs and symbols of your waking and dreaming life. Open to the synchronicities that bridge waking and dreaming.  Look to the signs and symbols, feel the emotions and physical sensations - the guideposts of your intuition. Take actions that move you in the direction of your deepest, truest, closest dreams. 

Maybe you don’t remember the Dreams that grew along with you in the warm darkness of your mother’s womb. Yet. But can you trust that there is no way you cannot be living into those Dreams? As you begin to Know, are you willing to change course, or will you stubbornly cling to what once and kinda-sorta maybe still works? 

Honor the inquiry. Experience the sacred undertones of even your darkest moments. Live into the Beauty that permeates everything. Trust in the ways that Life dreams, moves, awakens and answers in and through your questions - your deepest longings - your most sacred desires. 

Keep dreaming, Keep longing,

PS There is more to come with the Dark Moon-New Moon of Mary Magdalene’s Feast Day this weekend. 

* The Guided Meditation this week is a sweet journey into longing.

51. mystical musing: You Reap What You Sow

49. mystical musing: go down, down, down until down becomes up