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7. mystical musing: Dream Yourself Home

(inspired by the Pisces Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse of 2016) 

We are in a strong period of transformation and awakening into Truth. The energy is quite disruptive and unsettling at times. Many people are focusing on the Chiron, Wounded Healer, aspect with this Pisces Moon. Yes, the wounds and shadows need tending, and I would encourage you to align with the healer aspect of Chiron and the strong will of Mars (who is also playing a prominent role in this alignment) rather than the parts of you that feel tired and broken. 

Look to the light and the truth that together cast the shadow. Come home to your power, come home to your dream - the original Dream of peace and wholeness. As this Pisces full moon waxes and wanes, Peace pours in through the cracks made from past disappointments, lies and delusions. 

Allow this Peace to pour into you and fill you up. Feel for the shifting nature of things as well as the stillpoint underneath. Look for the signs within and all around you. Come home to yourself and your Truth. 

You see, what you do when no one is watching matters. This goes for your daydreams and night dreams, as well. Where do your most private thoughts wander? What are you Dreaming into the world? What is awakening through you? Is the inner consistent with the outer (words, teachings, social media posts, actions)? And, what do you do when no one is watching? 

The most sacred moments are often ones that happen within the sanctuary of your heart - the hearth at the center of your body-home. Cozy up with simple and sweet rituals of self care. Light candles when you sit for dinner, even (or especially) when you are eating alone. Take a long bath. Kneel and place one hand to your heart and one hand to the Earth in a gesture of gratitude. Do a silly dance and make silly sounds! Read. Journal. Meditate. Pray.

Open all of your senses to the synchronicities, and see that as you do so, your life will feel more and more like a Dream. (Note: This doesn’t mean nightmares won’t come to shake you and wake you up - they are part of the Dream, too.)

May you have the courage to wake up each day (and night) and live the Dream. May you sacralize your life through rituals. May you listen even when you can’t remember, and rest in the truth that you have been on journeys of untold Beauty, Love & Magic. Dream yourself Home. 

* The Guided Meditation this week will help connect you with a Dream of Home.


8. mystical musing: Mabon

6. mystical musing: Retracing & Re-leasing