

I’m so happy you’ve landed here where you’ll discover Network Chiropractic as well as other healing practices for Dreaming & Awakening!

New Moon Ritual: Be Curious

I'm wishing you grace and peace this week. The moon will be new in Gemini early tomorrow morning (May 30 at 4:30am PT), bringing with it a renewed energy for healing your mind and body.

Try this simple body-centered ritual for calming your nervous system and elevating your thoughts and speech, so your words come from your heart. You can create more of a ritual space by lighting a candle and sitting somewhere that brings you comfort and peace.

Begin by inhaling for the count of 4, holding for 4, exhaling for 4, holding for 4. Repeat this cycle as you gently tap your heart center (over your sternum). Tap in rhythm with your counts: 1-2-3-4 and so forth. After a full cycle, move up to your collarbones and repeat. Continue up to the center of your forehead for the third and final cycle of tapping. Then rest with eyes closed. When you’re ready, open your eyes and write down the phrase: “I am curious…” You might stop the ritual there, or continue on with a stream of consciousness, writing down all the things you are curious about.

As they say in Ted Lasso (my favorite show these days - I’ve watched both series 3 times, no joke!), be curious, not judgmental. That’s how we elevate our thoughts.

And by the way, Lydia and I are offering our monthly first Monday Evening Salon with mudras, poetry and original soundscapes. We hope you can join us. Follow the link to register for June 6:

With Love,

Autumn Equinox: Blessing of REST

Grace and Possibility