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The Discerning Voice

The Discerning Voice

“To be human is to be ambivalent. Every experience is open to countless readings and interpretations. We never see a thing completely. In sure anticipation, our eyes have always already altered what awaits our gaze. The search for truth is difficult and uncomfortable. Because the mystery is too much for us, we opt to settle for the surface of things. Comfort becomes more important than true presence. This is precisely why we need to hear the discerning voice” (John O’Donohue, Beauty: The Invisible Embrace).

John O’Donohue continues to expound upon this discerning voice, the one that distrusts the status quo and encourages dissent. He writes that is is somewhere in every heart as an inner whisper, keeping the heart clean and clear. It is a noble, faithful, beautiful voice that reminds us of dignity and hope even in the face of despair.

For me, the discerning voice comes in the form of dreams. I hear it even in terrifying nightmares. I had one last night from which I woke reaching out for the reassuring presence and quiet breath of my husband and son. I held them close until I was able to fall asleep again. Upon waking in the morning, I could not recall a single detail of the nightmare, but I could feel it echoing within, telling me to take better care of my body. And so I am.

Be advised, the discerning voice also has a cynical shadow. The constant voice within can be one of torment and criticism, twisting the joy out of you and everything: “Harsh and unrelenting, it finds fault with everything. Even when unexpected acknowledgement or recognition comes your way, this voice will claw at you and make you feel you are unworthy” (John O’Donohue). Yes, I know that one, too.

Listen carefully. Is the voice within you bringing you closer to beauty and goodness or leaving you in cold darkness? Then lean courageously and tenderly towards the voice of beauty and the kind presence of your soul.

Beauty is Truth, Truth Beauty

Beauty is Truth, Truth Beauty

Courage & ...

Courage & ...