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Shiva Linga Mudra

Shiva Linga Mudra

The Shiva Linga Mudra helps anchor the light, clear stress and fatigue, and awaken creativity. Shiva is the ground of being. Linga is the shaft of light.

To perform this mudra, turn your left palm open and gently cup your hand as if holding a bit of water. The left hand represents the feminine energy of Shakti’s infinite energy for creation. Fold the four fingers of your right hand in and extend your thumb up. The right hand represents the masculine energy of Shiva’s phallus. Place your right hand in the center of your left. Hold your hands at the level of your abdomen - your solar plexus.

As you hold shiva linga mudra, invite in healing light with every breath. Feel the light awakening and uplifting you, healing the fatigue or stress in any and all layers of your being. The light gently illuminates every cell of the body, refills energy reserves, calms the mind, builds energy and awakens creativity.

After several minutes, rub your palms together to create a bit more heat. Then bring your palms over your eyes and inhale deeply, drawing the light deeper into your body. Rest your hands in your lab, palms turned upwards, basking in the light.

Do this mudra whenever you are feeling depleted, stressed, restless, or unmoored in any way. Practice anchoring the light into the center of your being. And open to healing beyond your highest and greatest imagination - healing for yourself and all.

Gayatri Mantra

Gayatri Mantra

Summer Solstice Living Altar

Summer Solstice Living Altar