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Transitions, Transformations and Network Chiropractic

Transitions, Transformations and Network Chiropractic

“Transition States of Consciousness are the in-between places when we find ourselves temporarily poised between an old reality that has passed away and a new reality that has not yet fully formed.” - Tom Kenyon

When chaos initiates a major reorganization of your known reality, you enter into a null zone where everything has fallen away. Chaos (whether it’s a birth, death, job change, divorce, kids leaving the nest, illness/injury, hormonal fluctuations, move to a new home, etc.!) is meant to be destabilizing. But the null zone of apparent nothingness and aimlessness of the aftermath can be painful and even terrifying. So if/when you find yourself there, be aware… You may flounder around desperately grasping at the dust from all that was. You may be up most of the night fretting about this and that. You may activate old patterns born of fear and distrust. You may push, pull, fight and resist with all your might. You may fill up your schedule with a whole lot of busyness. You may even want to just walk away.

I’ve noticed that when I’m in these transition states, I desire and quite frankly need support…because somehow it’s hardest for me to access the “self-help” tools and “self-love” practices when I need them most! So, this is when I turn to people who’ve been there before and can be there to remind me. And you know what? We’ve all been there. It’s a gift and a skill to be present with others in the transition state, through the null zone, and into the reorganizational vortex of healing and awakening.

As a Network Chiropractor, I feel blessed to have the tools to meet people in these deep healing moments.

In fact, in Network Chiropractic, we actually intentionally enter into these transitional states in service of transformation and ultimately uplevelling the WholeSelf. The Network terminology for this Transformational phase of care is a “2A stretch,” because we are physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually stretching to the next level of embodied awareness, and in so doing, bringing on new strategies for living in a higher, deeper, fuller way. Of course, this work comes after we’ve cultivated a baseline of trust - in one another and in the work.

Why do we want to initiate transformative states of consciousness if it also involves a bit of destabilizing chaos? Because many of us are not satisfied with status quo. Because we are collectively in a transition state. Because transition is a necessary irrevocable energy of evolution. And because if we don’t evolve, we won’t awaken to our fullest potential.

I used to hesitate and back off from this phase of care in the early days - both as a patient and as a doctor. I was afraid of the immense power that is released when things change in big ways. Now I honor, respect and cherish this energy. Now I accept and welcome the truth that transition states are unavoidable, necessary and even fun! There are moments of excitement and other moments of fear. In the fearful moments, I remember that this is transitory, and good - very good - things are on the horizon. All of these “very good things” are here - “right here!” as my 2-year old child says.

So, when this energy shows up in a session, I ground into the present moment, contact a precise point along the spine (the spinal gateway), and invite a sustained stretching and opening into that area of the body. We stay with it as the energy builds and peaks. The apex of that stretch is not so much a place of extreme tension, but a place of extreme poise between realities, where everything drops away and consciousness is concentrated "right here" at the spinal gateway. As a colleague of mine recently shared: “it is the peak of spaciousness for the new reality to manifest!”

The invitation is to reach up and in, down and out, all simultaneously and with equal vigor. And especially, keep your chin up, be curious, and expect miracles. Allow for the temporary disorientation and uncertainty. Trust that the new reality will organize itself in, through and around you. In this way, you will make it through anything that comes your way. You will unleash the power of creation that is within you. You will experience synchronicities, serendipities, and treasures beyond measure.

Are you ready to be in the betwixt and between where nothing is sure, but everything is possible? I’ll meet you here, right here, for Network Spinal Chiropractic in Bend, Oregon.

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Gemini Full Moon Musings and Ritual

Network Chiropractic and Belonging in Bend, Oregon

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